Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens)
Height: 40-60′ Tall, 20-30′ Wide
Form: Broad pyramidal
Foliage: Gray-green to blue short needled, grows 8-12″ per year
Flower: None
Fruit: Long oval cones
Hardy to: 10,000′
Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra)
Height: 40-60′ Tall, 30-40′ Wide
Form: Broad pyramidal, grows 18-24″ per year
Foliage: Dark green long needled
Flower: None
Fruit: Conical cones
Hardy to: 8,000′
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)
Height: 60-80′ Tall, 30-40′ Wide
Form: Pyramidal, grows 12-18″ per year
Foliage: Light green to yellow long needled
Flower: None
Fruit: Oval cones
Hardy to: 9,000′
Pinion Pine (Pinus edulis)
Height: 20-30′ Tall, 10-20′ Wide
Form: Rounded, grows 8-12″ per year
Foliage: Deep green flat needled
Flower: None
Fruit: Rounded cones, edible nuts
Hardy to: 7,500′
Concolor/White Fir (Abies concolor)
Height: 40-60′ Tall, 15-20′ Wide
Form: Pyramidal and symmetrical
Foliage: Silvery blue-green flat needles
Flower: None
Fruit: Long oval cones
Hardy to: 10,000′
Bristlecone Pine (Pinus aristata)
Height: 20-40′ Tall, 10′ Wide
Form: Rounded to pyramidal, grows 4-6″ per year, character tree
Foliage: Dark green short needled, white resin specks underneath
Flower: None
Fruit: Egg shaped cones
Hardy to: 11,000′
Evergreen Trees For Sale
An Evergreen Tree is a tree that has foliage/needles year-round. Depending on the species of Evergreen the tree will have some shed throughout the year, however, it will never be completely bare making evergreens great for creating screening, a noise barrier or privacy for year round coverage. The Colorado Blue Spruce for sale at Front Range are a great dense Evergreen to not only create a visual barrier, but a noise barrier from a noisy street or neighbor. The Co Blue Spruce will genetically grow in (3) colors, a Green color, a Blue Color and an Icy Blue Color. The Co Blue Spruce are a moderate grower, and will grow about 8-12″ a year with sufficient irrigation. Another great option for an Evergreen tree for sale at Front Range that will create a dense barrier is an Austrian Pine tree. An Austrian Pine tree will be a long needle pine that is very fast growing. The Austrian Pine tree for sale will grown on average once established about 24″-36″ per year. The Austrian Pine tree will create an dense bushy screen, that is great for creating privacy or year round coverage. The Ponderosa Pine trees is a native Colorado Tree that will add character to any native oriented landscape. The Ponderosa Pine is a drought tolerant option that will provide a filtered barrier for privacy. The Ponderosa Pine tree has moderate growth and will on average grow about 18″-24″ a year.
Have questions about what evergreen tree for sale that would fit your property? Give us a call today at 303-738-8733 or fill out the contact form below!